Byers to the IBCA Hall of Fame

By Gary Scott on December 3, 2024 at 10:10am

A long overdue recognition has finally come to a former local sports editor.

Bob Byers was nominated early last year, and was named this week to the Illinois Basketball

coaches Association Hall of Fame.

Byers passed away last month, and the news of the honor was announced, ironically this week, the week of his birthday.

Byers is recognized for his many years of service with the Jacksonville Journal Courier, both as a reporter and as sports editor. He continued to help with the sports teams locally even after he left the paper.

Also selected was Jack Hull, who has done sports broadcasting for WLDS-WEAI, WBBA and now Central Illinois Sports.

Named as friends of basketball were long time Winchester head boys and girls basketball coach Bob Moore, and Bob Kaaz of New Berlin.

The induction will occur May 3rd of next year at the CEFCU Arena on the campus of Illinois State University.