Delay In Elevator Parts Could Continue November Jury Setting at Greene Co. Courthouse

By Benjamin Cox on October 16, 2024 at 3:24pm

A delay in parts for a new elevator may delay a jury trial setting coming up in Greene County Circuit Court.

The Greene Prairie Press reports that the company installing the new elevator at the Greene County Courthouse has ran into a delay in receiving parts for the new elevator installation, pushing the completion date for the project back to November 11th.

Greene County Sheriff Rob McMillen recently told the Greene County Board’s Judiciary Committee that a first floor ramp is making the first floor of the courthouse accessible but there is currently no way to get to the second floor of the courthouse for courtrooms, the State’s Attorney’s Office, probation office, jury rooms, and Judge Zachary Schmidt’s Office.

McMillen also notified the committee that the county was denied a grant from the Illinois Supreme Court for the improvements because the scope of the project was too big.

Despite the bad news, McMillen says that members of the public have enjoyed using the first floor ramp for access rather than the elevator.

A move for the public defender’s office and probation office across the street into a county purchased building on the north side of the Carrollton square is also delayed after an inspection by the state required changes to some of the building’s floor plans for bathrooms. McMillen says that there is also some extensive needs for the building’s HVAC system. Due to the additional costs, there has not been a timeline given on when the new building will be move-in ready.