Duncan Mansion Ice Cream Social Tomorrow

By Benjamin Cox on July 31, 2024 at 10:26am

The Reverend James Caldwell Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution in Jacksonville are gearing up for their largest fundraiser of the year this week with the annual Duncan Mansion Ice Cream Social.

The Ice Cream Social will be held tomorrow from 5:30-7:30 on the front lawn of the mansion.

Becky Baumgart of the DAR says the annual gathering helps to keep the Duncan Mansion open to the public: “The ice cream social is the DAR’s largest fundraiser. It’s what helps us pay for the utilities, the insurance, and everything that happens on the inside of the mansion, so it’s really important to us. We work pretty hard to make it successful. I was just thinking – I don’t know that we know the exact year that the ice cream social started, but I know that it began some time in the mid-1980’s, so I feel like we are approaching our 40th anniversary of the ice cream social.”

Baumgart says to reach out to the DAR through duncanmansion.com if you would like to volunteer tomorrow to help set up, tear down, or serve ice cream and refreshments to those in attendance.

Tickets are $7.50 per adult and $5 for children 10 and under. Entertainment will be provided by the Summer Community Band starting at 6PM on the lawn.