Lincoln Land Goodwill Industries announced it will reopen all 15 of its retail locations on June 2nd. Each of the 15 retail stores will operate under reduced hours; 10 am –6 pm, Monday thru Saturday and Noon –5 pm on Sunday.The stores will reopen under occupancy limits to support social distancing and signs will be posted at the entrance to each store outlining this and other safety precautions.All retail locations will continue to accept drop-off donations during the same hours.
The Goodwill Outlet Store in Jacksonville will reopen on Monday, June 15th.
Customers will have new safety precautions to abide by in the locations. All customers and employees will be required to wear a face mask. One-way directional aisles and additional signage to remind people of physical distancing guidelines have been put in place. Plexiglass guards have been installed at cash registers. A “Goodwill door greeter” will enforce occupancy limits at all locations. All Goodwill fitting rooms will be closed. Customers may return clothing items within a 48-hour period with the price tag still attached and a receipt of purchase. Goodwill will continue their stop, drop, and go donations at all locations. Donors,who wish to receive a donation receipt electronically, can email customercomments@llgi.organd provide a date and location of their drop-off donation. An electronic receipt will be emailed back to them.