Greene Co. Economic Board Announces Awarding of 4 Grants for Rural Broadband

By Benjamin Cox on January 28, 2025 at 9:34am

The Greene County Economic Development Group announced yesterday that the countywide broadband project has completed grant agreements with Frontier to support 4 broadband connection projects in rural portions of the county.

The group says Frontier will receive $24.7 million in funding from the state’s Connect Illinois Program for four projects to bring fiber internet to 2,700 locations covering the vast majority of the rural population.

In addition to the state funded grant eligible areas, Frontier recently built fiber in and around

Carrollton and will expand access to its fiber internet to homes and businesses in White Hall and Roodhouse early next year. Once all of the projects are completed, fiber services will be available at 4,500 locations in Greene County by the end of next year.

The Greene County Economic Development Group has been working on the fiber Internet project for the county for almost three years.