Jacksonville Elks Lodge Makes Donation to Jacksonville Area Food Center

By Benjamin Cox on July 1, 2024 at 1:19pm

Pictured from L to R: Mike Reining, Peggy West, Ed Schofield, Sheryl Hansen, Kenny Norris, LC Clinton, James Lomelino and Jacksonville Food Center Director Melissa Hall

The Jacksonville Elks Lodge #682 recently made a major donation to the Jacksonville Area Food Center.

The Jacksonville Elks Lodge applied for and was awarded a $2,000 grant through the Elks National Foundation’s Community Investment Program.

Elks Lodge Officers LC Clinton, James Lomelino, Peggy West, and Sheryl Hansen loaded food items from the Jacksonville Aldi location this weekend and took the donations to the Jacksonville Area Food Center.

The food center and the Salvation Army Client’s Choice Food Pantry have recently seen a massive uptick in usage over the year for people in the Jacksonville area experiencing food insecurity.

The Jacksonville Area Food Center has also recently been struck by a giant slash in their budget, operating at a deficit for most of the calendar year. Several local charities, churches, businesses, and individuals have stepped up in recent weeks in order to help the Food Center to continue to provide food to those experiencing food insecurity in the region.