The Jacksonville Public Library still doesn’t have an answer on why their old Facebook Page went away.
Head Librarian Jake Magnuson says he’s found that the platform has done it to other businesses and organizations without explanation: “We’re kind of slowly but surely building our way back up, but we got nothing – never any sort of communication about why it happened. It seems like more and more I’m seeing people talking about…or businesses kind of talking about how their pages just went away one day. So, it’s one of those modern-world problems, I guess.”
Magnuson says they are working diligently to rebuild the online following and get the word out on events and information about the library: “We can advertise here in the building, but there is only a certain percentage of the people that use the website or the Facebook page that actually come into the building to see those ads. We try in venues like radio for getting the word out there, sending out newsletters, things like that anytime we can to try and mention we have this new presence that if you want to know what’s going on, please follow us there.”
Magnuson says links to the new Facebook page are on the library’s website and QR codes are posted in the building. He says that people should be able to easily use the search function on their Facebook app and find the new library page.
Magnuson says the next Music Under the Dome is right around the corner: “January 8th we have Wild Columbine. They play traditional music, kind of sacred, secular sort of stuff. They are a 4-piece band. They’ll be here on the 8th. It will be our first one of the new year.”
To find out more information or to see a schedule of events taking place at the library, visit