Joe Page Bridge Public Hearing Scheduled For Tomorrow Night at Calhoun High School

By Benjamin Cox on September 9, 2024 at 10:31am

The Illinois Department of Transportation is inviting the public to another public hearing on Tuesday to Calhoun High School about the Joe Page Bridge.

A preliminary engineering and environmental study of the bridge that carries Illinois Route 16 and the Great River Road over the Illinois River to connect southern Greene into Calhoun County has already begun.

The study is looking at options for either complete rehabilitation or replacement of the existing bridge. The purpose of the public meeting is to get feedback on proposed corridor options for further study.

Handouts and displays will be available for review, as well as information regarding engineering, land acquisition, and environmental issues. Representatives from IDOT and the project’s consultant will be on hand to answer questions.

There will be no formal presentation as it is an open house style format.

The meeting will be held from 5-8PM Tuesday at Calhoun High School, located at 102 Calhoun Drive in Hardin.

For those unable to attend, forms for comments can be found at or submitted through email at Comments should be submitted by September 24th.

For more information, you can call Matthew Meyer at 618-346-3160.