MacMurray Alumni Weekend Plans Finalized, New Exhibit to Debut at Jacksonville Museum

By Benjamin Cox on June 20, 2024 at 8:02am

The MacMurray College Foundation and Alumni Association will get together this weekend after securing contingency plans.

Many of the original plans for Alumni Weekend were changed in the wake of the fire at McClelland Dining Hall. In light of this, several local MacMurray Foundation Board members worked to make alternative arrangements for some activities and the location of the host tent that were impacted by the situation at McClelland Dining Hall.

The Registration and social tent will be next to the former President’s House on East State Street. The President’s House is now owned by the neighboring Centenary United Methodist Church.

Alumni Weekend kicks off Friday at 5:30PM with a welcome reception for all alumni and friends of the college. Pre-registration, which is now closed, is required to attend. There will be recognition for the colleges Classes of 1974, 1984, 1994, 2004, 2014.

Saturday will have the reception beginning at 8:30AM for registration and then a continental breakfast under the Host Tent at the President’s House. Food trucks for lunch will be parked at Mac Hall from 11AM-3PM. The MacMurray Foundation Scholarship Awardees Reception will now be held at 11:30AM inside the President’s House. This is by invitation only. Memorial Service in Annie Merner Chapel for longtime MacMurray College professor Dr. Wolf Fuhrig will also be held at 11AM.

Tours of select buildings on the college’s former campus will be open for tours for alumni starting at Noon. The afternoon concludes with several activities at Annie Merner Chapel.

The alumni dinner and awards will be hosted at the Twisted Tree Wine Barn from 5-9PM.

The Jacksonville Area Museum will be open Saturday from 10AM-4PM during Alumni Weekend showing a new exhibit “Legendary MacMurray Professors” with other artifacts and memorabilia from the MacMurray archive on display.

Alumni weekend will conclude on Sunday with a non-denominational church service at 10AM led by MacMurray alumni Dr. Elizabeth and Reverend Mike Fender, with music by alumna Teri Benz.