Spoon River F.O.P. Donates to Rushville-Industry Trap Team

By Benjamin Cox on July 19, 2024 at 12:02pm

Presenting the check was Lodge 427 President Donald “Ike” Hackett. Also pictured in the front row are trap team members Kinley Price and Cole Worley, along with FOP Lodge 427 Secretary Amanda Onken. In the back row are assistant trap coach Kevin Price, Lodge Treasurer Randy Zimmerman, First Vice President Andy Steck, McDonough County FOP trustee Jim Percy, and Rushville Police Chief Rick Wright.

The Spoon River Fraternal Order of Police recently made a donation to a high school trap shooting team.

The #427 lodge presented Rushville-Industry trap coach Calvin Phillips with a $500 check for the trap shooting program last Saturday. Trap shooting is an emerging sport with the IHSA so all the trap teams are on their own to raise money to provide for entry into tournaments and pay for travel as well as other expenses.