Aspiring creative writers have the chance at a cash prize and publication through a state competition. Secretary of State and State Librarian Jesse White announced today that entry forms are available for the 16th annual Illinois Emerging Writers Competition Gwendolyn Brooks Poetry Award.
The competition is named in honor of the late Pulitzer Prize-winning Illinois Poet Laureate Gwendolyn Brooks, and is co-sponsored by the Illinois Center for the Book. The competition to recognize new literary talent in the state is open to Illinois residents age 18 and over. Entries must be postmarked by June 30th.
The first place winner earns a $500 prize, second place is $300, and third is $100. Winning poems will also be submitted for possible publication in “Ninth Letter,” “Quiddity” and “RHINO” Illinois literary journals.Entry forms can be found at For more information, contact Illinois Center for the Book Coordinator Bonnie Matheis at 217-558-2065 or