The application period for the 2022 cover crop program opens tomorrow.
The Illinois Department of Agriculture is expanding the Fall Covers for Spring Savings Program which is now in its 3rd year.
IDOA officials say due to the program’s success, 100,000 acres are available for 2022, up from 50,000 the previous growing season.
In 2020, the 50,000-acreage allotment was met in 12 hours and a total of 185,000 acres were requested by the time the application period ended.
The program is applicable for acreage in Illinois planted to cover crops in the fall of 2021 that will be planted to an insurable crop in 2022.
Eligible applicants receive a premium discount of $5 per acre on the following year’s crop insurance for every acre of cover crop enrolled and verified in the program.
Applications will be available at beginning at 8 am tomorrow. IDOA Says funding of eligible acreage will be on a first-come, first-serve basis.