Warmer weather will be on the horizon in the not-too-distant future, and one member of the Jacksonville City Council is encouraging residents to start their spring cleaning early.
The Jacksonville City Wide Yard Sale returns on Memorial Day weekend. Ward 1 Alderwoman Eren Williams says she’s beginning to accept addresses for the event.
“I will start taking addresses the day after Valentine’s Day. It will be for Memorial Day weekend, May 26th, 27th, and 28th. I am going to put the hours from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, but every individual house can do as they feel they need to for their hours.
This will be the third annual event, and I should cut off taking addresses probably around May 12th. People can get a hold of me on Facebook, or they may text me or leave a message at 217-720-1638. I hope we can get a lot involved this year, we usually have quite a few people turn out for it.”
You can also register with Alderwoman Williams by email at erenrachaelwilliams@gmail.com
Williams reminds that residents of the Village of South Jacksonville are also welcome to register. There is no cost to register.
The list of addresses for the 3rd annual City Wide Yard Sale will be promoted in various print and social media the week ahead of the event.