The 44th season of the Illinois College Fine Arts Series kicks off this weekend.
Mirari Brass Quintet headlines the bill, and will feature music from the Renaissance to present day. The concert begins at 3PM Sunday at Rammelkamp Chapel on the Illinois College campus.
Fine Arts Series Board member Garrett Allman says they are doing something a little different to kick off the show this weekend: “Starting at 2 o’clock in the Kirby Rotunda of the Kirby Learning Center, which is just a few steps over from Rammelkamp Chapel, we will host a wine and cheese reception. It will run until probably about 2:30-2:40. Then, people can go on over to the concert. Drop in and have a little wine and cheese. We will also have other non-alcoholic beverages, as well.”
Allman says the series is bringing back a few things to the series this year that had been on hold due to the pandemic: “We have restored our Family Nights series, which we last did in the Fall 2019 before the pandemic. There are going to be two nights – one in October and one in March. In October, it’s ‘Tales of Twilight.’ It’s spooky tales as we did back in 2019 with three really fine storytellers especially geared towards kids. It will be a 6:30 start on October 20th, which is a Friday night. Our intent is to have it outdoors. The storytellers will be in three different locations around campus. We will divide the audience into thirds, and the audience will rotate from one location to another.”
Mike Anderson, Dan Keding, and Sherry Norfolk will be the featured performers for the Tales of Twilight series next month.
The series will conclude in April with the Jose Gobbo Trio.
Adult season tickets are available for $70, which is a $40 savings over purchasing tickets individually. Adult tickets to individual concerts are available for $20 per concert, except for the family programs on Oct. 20 and Mar. 13, when adult tickets will be just $5. As always, students of all ages and children are admitted free of charge to all concerts.
For more information on the Fine Arts Series, visit