An Adams County woman arrested for allegedly stealing from a Pike County bank has pleaded guilty.
38-year old Jamie L. Obert of Liberty pleaded guilty to theft between $10,000 and $100,000 yesterday in Pike County Circuit Court.
Obert was arrested in rural Adams County on January 6th by Pike County Sheriff’s Deputies. A criminal investigation began by Pike County Chief Deputy Zack Orr began in mid-December after theft from a financial institution in the county was discovered. Authorities never identified the bank or the amount taken, but Obert was identified as an employee of the institution that reported the stolen money.
Pike County Chief Judge J. Frank McCartney sentenced Obert to 60 days of local jail time with credit for 1 day served in the Pike County Jail. According to online court records, Obert was also placed on 4 years of probation and ordered to pay an undisclosed county fine.