More Employment Service locations in Illinois are opening for in-person services.
The Illinois Department of Employment Security announced Monday the continuation of the planned phased-in restoration of in-person workforce and limited unemployment services throughout the state.
Starting today, Tuesday, September 7th, in-person appointment-only service will be available at six additional locations throughout the state, including Springfield and Quincy.
To schedule an appointment at any of these locations, individuals should call via the IDES Scheduling Hotline at 217.558.0401 and request a callback. Appointments must be scheduled a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the appointment time.
Appointments will be available Monday through Friday between 8:30 am and 5:00 pm and can be scheduled for things like identity verification, assistance with registering for Illinois Job Link dot Com, work search activity assistance, employment services including resume and job search guidance among others.
Officials say to ensure efficiency, each appointment will be 20 minutes in length and visitors will be afforded a 10-minute grace period. Visitors who schedule an appointment must bring a photo ID and any other documentation required for the appointment.
Masks or face coverings are required when entering an office. If a visitor has been experiencing any symptoms or has been exposed to someone with COVID-19 within 14 days prior to their appointment, they will be required to reschedule the appointment.