Now through the end of the year, many area residents are being offered a free gift that can help them save money on their heating bills.
Ameren Illinois, in partnership with the Environmental Law and Policy Center, is offering a free Google Nest Smart Thermostat just as energy prices continue to rise sharply.
Angie Ostaszewski with Ameren Illinois says the deal starts today and is only for a limited time. “Usually they cost $129.00, now through December 31st you can get it absolutely free, no shipping cost, no tax. Just a quick form on our website, it takes one to two minutes, I’ve done it myself, and then we’ll ship it right to you.
You know, so much of our energy costs in the Midwest are heating and cooling. So with a thermostat like this, especially using the eco-mode that’s available, you can save ten to twelve percent on your heating costs in the winter.”
Ostaszewski says it’s a pretty simple process to claim your free smart thermostat. “We’re seeing energy costs rise globally and it’s going to get very very cold this week, so any tool that we can offer our customers to help them keep their home comfortable, we’re trying to provide as many resources as we can this season.
So you can go to and you’re going to fill out a quick form. You just need to have your address and your account number with Ameren. It only takes a few minutes. I did it on my phone.” Ostaszewski says the smart thermostats are easy to install and they can be controlled from a smartphone.
To qualify for the offer, residents must be Ameren Illinois customers who heat their homes with gas or electricity. Homes heated with propane do not qualify.
One thermostat can be ordered per household and must be ordered by the account holder listed on the bill.