Auto lovers got to enjoy the sun and octane Saturday in downtown Jacksonville. Automobiles of all makes and models circled the square to kick off the Jacksonville Cruise Night Association’s Downtown Heart of Jacksonville Car Show and Spring Cruise Night.
It’s the association’s second car show of the year. Joel Buchanan explains more. “It’s the 23rd annual spring cruise and car show. This came under the Jacksonville Cruise Night Association 3 years ago as a continuation of what Tom Winner and the Heart of Jacksonville group did. He asked us to continue on his legacy.” The Heart of Jacksonville car show partners with the Spring Cruise Night that gets headquartered at Hardee’s.
Buchanan expects the show to be well attended and breaks down the amount of awards and classes for the afternoon. “We’re set up around the square to judge 20 classes. We’ve got a little bit for everybody. The show goes all the way back to some Model A’s, ’32 Fords, Tri-5’s, Camaros, Mustangs, Thunderbirds, Corvettes, into some late model muscle cars, and trucks. We’ve got food vendors.” The show was attended by about 100 cars throughout the day.
The cruise began about 4PM and continued until about 9 o’clock. The Association’s next big event will come during the annual Cruise Night event in September.