Apex Clean Energy announced today that they have executed a power purchase agreement with McDonald’s for 126 megawatts of energy from the Lincoln Land Wind project.
Apex announced that McDonald’s would be purchasing 326 megawatts in total from two separate projects with the company. This builds on McDonald’s prior commitment to purchase 220 megawatts from a project by the company in Texas.
According to a press release from Apex this afternoon, combined, the 546 megawatts of total clean power purchases position McDonald’s as Apex’s largest single off-take entity and corporate buyer.
This makes the second large purchase of wind energy from Lincoln Land Wind. Facebook announced it was going to purchase 170 megawatts from the project back in August.
With the purchase today by McDonald’s, Apex says the Lincoln Land Wind Project power is now fully contracted. According to Apex, they led the clean energy sector last year in power transactions involving corporations, signing nearly 2 gigawatts in renewable energy deals.
The Lincoln Land Wind Project is expected to begin commercial operations in late 2021.