Jacksonville residents will have their best shot to win $10,000 from the Public Schools Foundation this summer. Amy Albers, Executive Director of the Foundation says people need to hurry and get their tickets for the Believe In Education Drawing now from a few select locations. “The drawing was originally scheduled for May 29th. Then, we postponed it to June 26th because we haven’t been able to sell tickets anywhere except through the mail. Starting this month, tickets are available at County Market and Jones Meat & Locker. They are $10 each or 3 for $25, and the drawing will be held live on radio on June 26th when we announce the winners.”
Albers says the odds are in people’s favor this year: “Unfortunately, I will say that this year will probably be the best odds anyone will have for winning $10,000 from us because ticket sales are down. For some of you that have been waiting, go ahead and get them because these are your best odds. Usually, this is the fundraiser that sustains us for the year, and we would appreciate anyone who is out and about to stop by the two locations and get tickets.”
WEAI will be giving away a select number of tickets each day until the drawing happens live on the air on 107.1FM on June 26th. Listeners can tune in for a chance to win a ticket or head to Jones’ Meat Locker or County Market and purchase their own.