The Illinois FFA is holding their annual convention in Springfield this week. Yesterday, a new slate of State Officers were elected.
The new state president is Thad Bergschneider of Franklin. Bergschneider succeeds 2022 president Rachel Hood of Rushville-Industry.
Bergschneider told RFD Illinois that when he was thinking about running for state office, he wanted to take every chance that was in front of him as an opportunity for growth. He says he wants to share that message with every member of the FFA while he visits both current and new members around the state this coming year.
Other officers elected were Vice President Eric Wisley of Nashville, Reporter Cooper Nelson of Canton, Secretary Riley Kessler of Staunton, and Treasurer Ben Bremmer of Pearl City.
Tentative plans are for Bergschneider to receive a fire truck welcome home escort around 6PM this evening, with a cake reception at the Green Wall Bar & Grill, located at 204 Wyatt Street in Franklin.