Blood Donations Still Badly Needed, Now by Appointment Only

By Jeremy Coumbes on March 25, 2020 at 9:05am

The Central Illinois Community Blood Center is changing how blood donations will be accepted for the foreseeable future.

The CICBC is now requiring blood donors to schedule an appointment to make a donation at both blood centers and mobile blood drive locations.

Gina Slavens, Community Development Advocate for CICBC, Community Blood Services of Illinois, and the Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center, said via email today “We have previously accepted “walk-in” donors, but are now moving to require appointments so we can ensure appropriate spacing between donors as our staff members implement practices to maintain a safe, hygienic environment during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Slavens says that donations will be greatly needed over the next several weeks as the Blood Center adjusts to a continuing high rate of blood drive cancellations.

According to the CICBC website, there is no known risk to the safety of the nation’s blood supply except for lack of donations and there are no reports of spread of COVID-19 by blood transfusion.

To find out more information call the blood center at (866) 448-3253 or (217) 753-1530, or online at