he Bob Freesen YMCA is reopening some fitness and weight rooms as COVID-19 restrictions move into Phase 3. Mary Henry, director of the YMCA, says that limited hours and an outdoor tent will allow for some classes and workouts to return. “We’ve had a partial reopening. We’ve limited our hours. We’re open Monday through Friday 6AM to 7PM and Saturdays 7AM to 4PM. Our fitness classes are outside under a tent. Elm City Center has been very gracious and loaned us a tent. We are still filming our virtual classes. We will have both. The classes sizes are limited on site to 10 people, and you have to call in advance to make a reservation for the class. We have limited openings in our fitness center and free weight room. They are on the hour, every hour, so you have to make an appointment for that as well. We do close every day from 1-2PM to do mandatory cleaning, and we have monitors in each room to help clean. Our Redbird Crossfit is also open because they are able to throw open their big garage doors and have part of their classes outside.”
Henry says that the outdoor walking trail options that have been available during the stay-at-home order has been utilized by many since the building has been closed. “We saw lots of people out here walking. When I would arrive in the mornings, there were groups here walking already between 6 and 7AM. Then, at all times during the day, there were people on the trails. That was good. People were working out in some of the parking lots, too. It was nice to see that people were staying active.”
Henry says that Parkinson’s Disease patients will see some of their classes return next week. “We are going to start doing our Parkinson’s programming next week, and those will be one-on-one with the instructor with our Parkinson’s patients with our ‘Rock Steady Boxing.’ That’s another expansion that we will have. Now, we’re just waiting to move to Phase 4 to get more people in our building and hopefully get our pool reopened.”
Before entering the building to work out or for a class, a health assessment will be made, temperatures will be taken and everyone will be required to wear a mask. Locker rooms and the swimming pool remain closed. For more information, you call the Bob Freesen YMCA at 245-2141.