Some area fire and EMS districts in the area are part of $2.5 million in grant funding announced for first responders from the state today.
The Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal (OSFM) announced today the recipients of the 2022 Small Equipment Grant Program. A total of $2.5 million was awarded to 104 fire departments/districts and EMS providers across the state.
The program was established to provide grants of up to $26,000 each for the purchase of small firefighting and ambulance equipment. The Carrolton Fire Protection District is being awarded $19,900, and the New Berlin-Island Grove Fire Protection District is set to receive $25,082.
Other districts in the listening are receiving funds are the Baylis Fire Protection District- $23,525, Griggsville Fire Department- $25,372, Hull-Kinderhook Fire Department- $26,000, Spring Creek Fire Protection District- $26,000, and the North Calhoun Fire Protection District- $25,011
Officials say in the announcement, that the program is an innovative approach to a problem that has long caused difficulties for fire departments and not-for-profit ambulance services in Illinois, particularly those that have hardships in generating the necessary revenue for small equipment.
The purpose is to allow eligible applicants the opportunity to purchase small equipment that they may otherwise not be able to purchase. The OSFM received 373 applications, requesting around $8.4 million in funding for this grant period.
They say most Illinois fire departments, fire protection districts, township fire departments, and stand-alone, nonprofit ambulance service providers were eligible to apply.
All fire departments, fire protection districts, and township fire department applicants were required to have participated in the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) for a minimum of two years prior to applying.