Cass County continues to report a steady stream of new cases of COVID-19. The Illinois Department of Public Health confirmed three new positive tests today and one new case yesterday. The new cases over the last two days include a female in her 30s, a female in her 50s, a male in his 30s and a female in her 70s. Three of the new cases are isolated at home on quarantine while the fourth case is being hospitalized. The Cass County Health Department has identified close contacts and given instructions on quarantine. Cass County’s overall COVID-19 case count is now at 72. The total number of recovered is now at 65. There are now two active cases that are hospitalized.
Edgar County is now reporting a case of the virus. Scott County is now the only county in the state with no positive cases of COVID-19. IDPH reported 1,622 new cases of the virus along with 86 additional deaths. Macoupin and Sangamon have reported new deaths from the virus over the last two days. Currently, IDPH is reporting a total of 117,455 cases, including 5,270 deaths in the state. The preliminary 7-day statewide positivity for cases as a percent of total tests from May 22nd–May 28th is 8%.