Jacksonville City Clerk Skip Bradshaw is extending a reminder to residents and businesses that the rural fire protection contracts and licenses for various types of businesses expire with the city at the end of the year.
Owners or occupants of rural commercial, industrial, residential, and farm property located within a certain radius of Jacksonville can obtain contractual service with the Jacksonville Fire Department through the City Clerk’s office. The annual fee is determined by the assessed value of the property. Farmsteads are assessed on current improvements on one-half acre of rural property.
Annual licenses to operate for bowling alleys, movie theatres, skating rinks, taxis, tree trimmers, children’s hospitals, tattoo parlors, and horse-drawn vehicles also must be renewed by year’s end in the City Clerk’s Office.
For more information on the rural fire protection district, contact Fire Chief Matthew Summers at 217-479-4656 or email at jfdchief@jacksonvilleil.gov.
For more information about business license renewals, visit the Jacksonville City Clerk’s Office at 200 West Douglas Avenue, call 217-479-4613, or email cityclerk@jacksonvilleil.gov weekdays between 8AM to 4:30PM.
City Clerk Skip Bradshaw also wishes to remind pet owners who walk their dogs in the city’s neighborhoods that they need to clean up after their pet if they defecate in the right of way or in someone’s yard. Multiple complaints have been received at City Hall about this issue. This is a city ordinance and one could be issued an ordinance violation ticket if they do not clean up after their pet.