North Greene School District is addressing the upcoming vacancy of the superintendent’s office with a promotion from within.
According to the Greene Prairie Press, long-time school administrator in the area Lawrence Coultas was approved as interim superintendent for the district at a special meeting of the North Greene School Board on Friday, March 23rd. Coultas will retain the title until Jackie Kuchy, current North Greene Elementary principal, can receive her superintendent’s certificate.
Coultas has served in the North Greene and Winchester school districts as either an administrator or teacher for several years. Coultas previously served as interim superintendent at North Greene 8 years ago, mentoring outgoing Superintendent Mark Scott after the resignation of Les Stevens.
During his previous tenure as North Greene superintendent, Coultas named Kuchy the district’s new elementary principal back in August 2016.
A replacement for Kuchy at the elementary school has not been announced, but according to the Greene Prairie Press, her successor has already been chosen.