Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week: South Church Street Arson

By Benjamin Cox on September 28, 2023 at 11:35am

Crime Stoppers of Morgan, Scott, & Cass counties are requesting information to assist the Jacksonville Police Department in an arson investigation.

Just before 5AM on September 11th, the Jacksonville Fire Department was called to a residential fire at 325 South Church Street. Upon arrival, firefighters found smoke and flames issuing from a lower story window on the north side of the home. Firefighters were able to knock down the fire from the window and then forced entry into the home. No one was found inside at the time of the fire. Fire appeared to have originated from near a fireplace on the first floor of the believed-to-be vacant structure. No utilities were hooked up to the structure at the time of the fire.

Jacksonville Police say if you have any information concerning this incident to submit a tip online at Click the ‘Leave A Tip” button on the homepage. You may also place an anonymous call to 217-243-7300. Tips may also be submitted via text message to the number 274637. The first word of the text tip must be ‘payout.’

Crime Stoppers say if your tip leads to an arrest you may be eligible for a cash reward.