Crime Stoppers of Morgan, Scott, and Cass Counties has announced they again have a way for people to submit tips electronically.
Coordinator Loren Hamilton announced today that the group’s new website is now up and fully operational after a long hiatus. Hamilton says their previous site was plagued by continuing issues dating back to late 2022, which made them finally have to pull the plug last fall.
He says after a lot of research and work, area residents can once again submit anonymous tips online. “We looked at quite a few different companies and chose this one, which for me luckily is user-friendly. It offers everything that our old website did and more, and we’re happy to have it because the decrease in the number of tips last year were because of the website and a couple of other things we lost.”
Hamilton says the new website features photos of Crime Stoppers wanted individuals, Crimes of the Week, and crime prevention tips along with a link page to other area, state, and national law enforcement agencies.
He says the site contains a little bit of everything both old and new. “It goes into more detail. There is a lot more history of what nationally Crime Stoppers was and is, and what we do locally. It has more on our crime prevention programs and things like that. But the bread and butter of it is, having a direct link to supply us with an anonymous online tip. It’s pretty user-friendly, so we hope everybody will take a look.”
To view the new site, go to www dot morgan scott crime stoppers dot com.
You can also view information and submit tips via the Morgan Scott Cass Crime Stoppers Facebook and Instagram pages, or by calling 217-243-7300.
Hamilton says they are continuing to explore a way to replace the mobile application that also caused a drop in tips last year when the company that supported the platform went out of business.
He says that will likely be some time down the road, but they are working with two other Crime Stopper groups in Illinois who also have mobile apps to see if their platforms could serve their needs and fit within the budget.
Crime Stoppers of Morgan, Scott, and Cass Counties is also reminding the public that they are still in need of volunteers who would like to serve on the board of directors from the outer lying edges of the three-county area.