Davidsmeyer Bill Takes Aim at State Bus Driver Shortage

By Benjamin Cox on December 3, 2021 at 11:32am

A Local representative has introduced a bill that would allegedly help with the state’s school bus driver shortage.

100th District Representative C.D. Davidsmeyer says his new bill would change current law to allow for people who lost their licenses for circumstances unrelated to driving to get their bus driver’s permit: “Currently, the law says that an individual is required to have a driver’s license uninterrupted for the 3 years prior to becoming a school bus driver. What my bill does is that if you had your driver’s license taken away or didn’t have it for the full 3 years prior, as long as it wasn’t taken away due to a moving violation you are still able to apply to become a bus driver. So, if it was taken away, for example, because you got behind on paying child support or something like that, it wouldn’t count per say towards the 3 year requirement of having your driver’s license.”

Davidsmeyer says that safety will still be at the forefront of selecting bus drivers and says that the permit process will still have a background check: “For school bus drivers, there is still background checks and all the other requirements. This [bill] just specifically deals with an individual’s driving record, so if you had unsafe driving practices in your past, they are still going to see that and see exactly what your violations were, whether it was speeding or running stop signs…whatever it may be. This bill just says that if it’s not driving related and your license was taken away for a non-driving related issue, individuals can either get their bus driver’s license reinstated or apply.”

Davidsmeyer’s bill will be introduced to the Illinois House when it reconvenes for regular session in January.