The Illinois College Fine Arts Series will bring you the decadence of chocolate this Sunday.
The annual Death By Chocolate event raises funds to support bringing world-class talent to the stage during the year.
Fine Art Series Board Member Terri Benz says Chocolate lovers can unite over jazz and chocolate: “The members of the board bring these decadent chocolate desserts – chocolate nuts, and chocolate all kinds of things for people to sample. While that’s going on, we have the faculty Jazz Quartet playing jazz in President Farley’s living room, which is a lovely spot. It’s just a time for fellowship, and enjoying music, and great desserts.”
Tickets are $20 at the door. The event runs from 3-5PM Sunday at Barnes House.
Benz says the fundraiser actually has a two-fold purpose for the Fine Arts Series: “One is to increase our membership. We love doing this fundraiser. It’s kind of a ‘thank you’ for our members, as well. It’s just a really fun event. And two: introduce our Fine Arts Series to people who weren’t maybe already members, but it’s also a fundraiser because we do bring in talent all year long and that takes money. It’s not just to bring them to Jacksonville but house them, feed them, and all of that. This is to help enhance our budget so that we can continue to bring the arts to Jacksonville.”
Again, the Death By Chocolate fundraiser will be held at Barnes House this Sunday from 3-5PM. Tickets are $20 at the door or can be purchased from any Fine Arts Series board member.
To learn more about the Illinois College Fine Arts Series, visit