The Routt/Our Saviour School Dreams Drawing is continuing this year, despite the coronavirus pandemic.
The annual Dreams Campaign is in full swing this summer. Co-chair of this years drawing Maggie Peterson says despite a slow start, ticket sales are at the same pace they were at this point one year ago.
“we had quite a bit of tickets sold when the packets went out, which was great. And we have mailers that go out and they went out a little later than they normally do, but they have been mailed. So people should be getting them, or have already, if not they should be there very very soon.
That is always the time when ticket sales go up because it just reaches so many people in the area. Hopefully we will increase our numbers significantly here in the next couple weeks.”
Peterson says there are a little under 4000 tickets remaining for purchase as of today. She says the campaign had a little trouble getting up to speed with the COVID-19 restrictions.
“It wasn’t so much the selling of tickets, it was ‘what’s going to happen this year, are you going to have the Dreams campaign?’ or ‘I haven’t gotten my packet yet, how do I get it?’ It’s been kind of the logistics of everything.
We had pick up packets for after church one weekend, and I believe that was still during Phase 3, so not very many people were there, so we did a packet pick up at the school, drive through style. We moved quite a bit of packets then, bu there were still quite a few left. So we delivered them and mailed them.”
Peterson says the Family Fun Festival Committee is still planning for an event, however a lot of things are still up in the air at this point.
“They are doing everything they can to plan accordingly, but that’s just the issue, is they don’t really know what to plan for. So I think the committee is planning as normal, but then also planning for something that maybe a little more COVID friendly, if you will. So I don’t know the answer for sure, but I do know that they are trying to do as much as we can.”
Peterson says those who want a ticket packet but have not yet received one, can call the Dreams Office at 243-1632, or stop by the office on East State Street to request a packet.
She says more tickets are available for anyone who has already sold all of theirs and need more or for anyone who would like to purchase an individual ticket.
The early bird drawing is Sunday August 2nd after the 10:30 am mass. The Drawing is set for Sunday September 6th at 6:00 pm.