A driver was cited after striking a utility pole in the 800 block of South East Street at 6:20 yesterday evening.
After a brief investigation, police determined that a vehicle driven by 40 year old Claude D. Morris of the 600 block of South Kosciosko Street was traveling southbound in the 800 block of South East Street when the vehicle veered off the roadway striking the pole.
According to police reports, Morris allegedly told police that the vehicle’s steering column stiffened due to mechanical failure causing him to not be able to steer the vehicle resulting in the crash. Morris said that one of the vehicles problems had problems in the recent past making it hard to steer.
The vehicle was towed from the scene due to extensive damage.
Morris and his passenger reported no injuries in the crash. Morris was cited for a child passenger act violation and operating an uninsured motor vehicle.
Ameren-Illinois was contacted to come make repairs to the pole due to damage. Police reports indicate that the pole had a heavy lean to it due to the crash.