Multiple Fire Departments responded to the scene of a structure fire on Route 106 in Alsey this morning. Crews were called out at approximately 6 o’clock this morning to a fire in the former Cooper’s Garage auto repair.
Winchester Fire Chief Freddie Andrews says the main portion of the building is a total loss. “When we arrived it was already fully engulfed and the front overhead doors had already collapsed. Fire was showing everywhere.
The primary building here, the second building, and the office which is adjacent to it was just starting to burn when we got here. We got [the fire] knocked down and saved it, of course, the Morton building is a total loss.
We had White Hall assist us and Murrayville assist us and I’d like to thank them for that. The cause right now is undetermined.”
Andrews says that reports of explosions coming from the fire were determined to be from propane tanks on a pair of forklifts as well as a couple of acetylene bottles that ignited before crews arrived.
Andrews says they had a close call when the front wall came down during firefighting efforts however no one was injured in the blaze.