Election time is fast approaching once again and early voting is set to kick off next week.
Morgan County Clerk Jill Waggener says her office is just about ready to go for the April Consolidated Election. “On February 23rd we will begin early voting here in our office from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday. Then I do have two Saturdays that we will be open from 9:00 am to noon and those will be on March 4th and then again on April 1st.
The ballots are in production as we speak, so hopefully, by the 23rd we will be able to roll, but you might just want to call the office ahead of time to make sure that we at least have the download that we can print.”
Waggener says for the most part, the Morgan County ballot will not have too many surprises on this year’s ballot. “Jacksonville District 117 has quite a few candidates. There are four trustee spots so there will be a few people that won’t win a seat.
The Village of South Jacksonville has pretty much a full slate of either unexpired terms or full terms. There is one person still sitting on the board whose term will expire in two years. So the village does have a pretty full slate, but most of the other villages are the normal amount.”
Waggener reminds the public that during early voting at the courthouse, the same polling place rules forbidding any kind of electioneering still apply.
She says anyone who is wearing a political shirt, hat, button, or the like will be asked to remove or change the item before they will be allowed to cast their vote.