Morgan County Clerk Jill Waggener reminded the County Commissioners during their regular meeting this morning, that early voting will begin in her office this Thursday.
Waggener says residents can vote early during regular business hours from 8:30 to 4:30 Monday through Friday, as well as on Saturday, March 4th, and Saturday, April 1st, from 9:00 am to noon.
Waggener says vote-by-mail ballots will be sent out this week. “According to the new statute, and if voters in Morgan County recall, several voters did mail back a permanent vote by mail application. So beginning Thursday, my staff will be sending ballots out to people who did request that on their application.
We will begin mailing them out on Thursday so please be patient with us, but you will get one. If you believe that you filled out that application in the past and do not receive a ballot, please feel free to call my office and we will look you up. You may have to come in and fill out an application and then we can get it taken care of.”
Waggener says those who are not registered to vote may do so in her office and then vote the same day if they choose. “They can do that, and a little later we will have a period called the grace period voting, where if they come in after early voting ends and register to vote, then they would have to vote that day.
So just be prepared that if you come in and register during that period you will have to vote that same day. If people come in and register now, they can choose to vote or they can come back, or they can wait until election day to go ahead and vote at their respective polling place.”
This year’s consolidated election focuses on local races such as municipal board seats, school board seats, and the like. Waggener says there will be several offices on the ballot for contested races, however, none of them had challengers triggering a primary election here in Morgan County.