The Village of South Jacksonville has a lengthy agenda for tonight’s regular meeting of the board of trustees.
Fourteen items are listed under the Mayor’s Report including the announcement of new staff hires and promotions in positions of Water Billing Clerk, Office Manager, and streets department.
A new village website is to be unveiled as well as an update on the splash pad at Godfrey Park. Mayor Tyson Manker also will give updates on the hard water issue, and possible ambulance service in the village.
A new TIF grant applicant submitted by Casa Real will be considered. Manker also will update the board on the September 11th weekend events that include a parade, 5k run/walk, and BBQ cook-off and concert.
Discussion will also be had under the Mayor’s Report of his proposed American Flag tourism landmark project.
Under action items for the meeting, ordinances regarding the codification of municipal ordinances, use of the billboard on South Main Street, and ordinances pertaining to dog waste and prohibition of poisoning domestic animals are up for approval.
Also on the action item list are the approval of bank signatories, the approval of the American flag project with the use of tourism funds, and resolutions pertaining to the September 11th village festival.
The meeting is set to begin at 7:00 pm in the South Jacksonville Village Hall on Dewey Drive.
No access for viewing the meeting remotely is listed on the agenda for tonight’s meeting.