The Illinois General Assembly may be voting to amend the Health Care Right of Conscience Act.
18th District Representative Robyn Gabel of Evanston has introduced an amendment to the Health Care Right of Conscience Act passed in 1998. The act has been cited by many employees who are refusing test-to-stay measures or public and private entities requiring COVID-19 vaccination.
The amendment specifically says that “It is not a violation of this Act to enforce such measures or requirements, including by terminating employment or excluding individuals from a school, a place of employment, or public or private premises in response to noncompliance” for COVID vaccination or required weekly testing.
The Catholic Conference of Illinois issued a statement today saying they are against any amendment to the act. A spokesperson for the Illinois Hospital Association told Capitol Fax that they “urging legislators to vote Yes” in support of the amendment.
The Senate is set to reconvene tomorrow to begin voting on measures tomorrow. Debate on this amendment and the bill has not yet been assigned.