Greenfield School District is the last school district in Greene County to accept a proposal to install solar panels at its district’s buildings.
The Greene Prairie Press reports that the Greenfield School Board accepted a proposal from Omni at their December 18th meeting.
Superintendent Andy Stumpf says that the only building where a solar project would work is at the elementary school: “We are going to solar at the Elementary School. That should cover 100% of our energy costs for that building. It will basically pay for itself. Then, we are looking at, in a few years when that project is paid off to use those savings to try to help put money back into the schools or back into the district to help make improvements in a variety of different areas.”
Stumpf says that the bid for the project is just a little over $600,000 which will be paid for through rebates from the state and federal funding. He says the district won’t have to take out any bonds to make the project happen.
Stumpf says some minor construction work at the elementary school will take place before the solar panels are installed.
Carrollton School District’s solar project is complete and is about ready to go online. North Greene School District, who actually approved a solar project in 2022 before the other two schools, still has not seen any work begin.