Jacksonville Police arrested a homeless man on two separate occasions Wednesday morning, accounting for a total of 3 arrests in 24 hours.
25-year old Jalen J. Wallace, with a last known address in Berkeley, was first arrested at Wal-Mart by Jacksonville Police at approximately 5:30 Tuesday evening on a retail theft citation for allegedly taking merchandise past the last point of sale without paying. Wallace was taken to an office by employees of the business, and taken into custody by officers upon arrival. He was later released with a notice to appear in court.
Jacksonville Police arrested Wallace again Wednesday morning at 9:35AM at the Circle K located in the 600 block of North Main Street. An employee of the business had reported that Wallace had taken a fountain drink from the store without paying. Wallace was cited for retail theft and served with a letter of no trespass and was then released with a notice to appear.
Officers were called back to the Circle K at 4:25PM Wednesday after a complainant told police that Wallace had returned to the premises. Wallace was cited for criminal trespass to land. He was again released with a notice to appear in court.