HSHS St. John’s is helping Central Illinois residents sign up for health insurance. Certified application counselors will be available by appointment only at the Springfield location to help individuals and families sign up for health care coverage available through the Affordable Care Act. The open enrollment period for the ACA ends on December 15th.
Enrollment opportunities will be available for Monday, November 18th from 3-10PM, Monday, December 9th from 4-10PM, and Saturday, December 14th from 8AM-Noon at the Women and Children’s Clinic located at 400 North 9th Street in Springfield across from St. John’s Children’s Hospital.
Residents wishing to enroll should bring Social Security numbers as well as first and last names of all those enrolling in the household, proof of Illinois residency (either through an Illinois ID or driver’s license), and verification of employment income either through a paycheck stub or W-2 form.
To set up an appointment, call Mary Rogers at 217-814-4308. For more information about insurance plans covered by the ACA, visit getcoveredillinois.com or call 866-311-1119.