The annual Illinois College Homecoming Parade is coming up on October 14th.
Deadline for entries will be accepted until the end of the business day on Friday.
Event and Marketing Manager Kaitlyn Weidhuner has more details: “We have a parade entry form on our website if you go to You’ll just need a point of contact for that person, what the name of your entry is, and then the specifics of the entry: how many people will be walkers you’ll have, how many cars, and how long a trailer might be. Also, our theme this year is ‘Home Sweet Home,’ so it’s [based upon] Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory. If you have a float, you can dress up and have fun with that. Our parade is October 14th at 10AM. The route [of the parade] will begin at the intersection of West State and Church Streets, and finish at Illinois College. The parade will travel around the downtown square and then head towards the college. It’s the same as last year. We have a map on the website as a reference.”
Weidhuner says if you have any questions you can email her at or give her call at 217-245-3112 if you have any questions.
Check-in for the parade will begin at 9AM. There is no cost to join. More information can also be found at