The Morgan County Fair will play host to a special visitor next week. Marla Calico, President & CEO of the International Association of Fairs and Expositions will visit the fair on Tuesday.
Calico will be visiting the fair as an observer to see what makes the Morgan County Fair unique compared to the 1,200 other fairs and expos that the IAFE serves. Calico said in a press release she is most eager to see the newly remodeled 4-H Building, the improvements to the grandstand as well as meeting members of the fair board.
Gary Hadden, President of the Morgan County Fair board, says that a visit from the IAFE is quite prestigious due to the large numbers in the IAFE. He says only a handful of events are visited annually.
The Morgan County Fair has been a member of the IAFE since 1982. IAFE is based out of Springfield, Missouri and is a voluntary, non-profit corporation that serves their over 1,200 members through organizing meetings and conventions, distribution of print and digital publications, and curating an on-line repository of resource materials. Hadden says he and the fair board look forward to hosting Calico and showing her what’s great offer to visitors of the fair.