The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation and Illinois Attorney General’s Office is warning banking customers of a new scam.
The new scam looks to use fake bank websites to target consumers’ personal information. Scammers create the websites to make them look like a legitimate bank website to lure consumers into thinking they’re entering their personal information to create a bank account. IDFPR has learned of at least two such fraudulent websites.
At this time, IDFPR recommends that consumers considering opening a bank account contact their bank directly to do so. Banks that learn of an impostor website are asked to notify IDFPR’s Division of Banking. They should also consider placing a notice on their website and in their branches to alert customers, and consider contacting the impostor website’s domain name registrar to have it taken down. Banks that learn of an impostor website are also encouraged to consult with their legal and technology advisers to determine what other actions may be appropriate to take.