Health Insurance Marketplace consumers in Illinois will have more carrier options to choose from in 2021.
The Illinois Department of Insurance announced today three new insurance carriers have been added to the ACA Marketplace as health insurance rates were released for the Illinois Exchange 2021 Plan Year.
The additions of Bright Health Insurance Company of Illinois, MercyCare HMO, Inc. and SSM Health Plan brings the total of available carriers to eight offering plans in the Illinois On-Exchange.
Open Enrollment for the ACA Health Insurance Marketplace starts on November 1 and continues through December 15th of this year. Get Covered Illinois (GCI) is the official health marketplace or “exchange” for Illinois consumers to purchase health insurance facilitated by the federal government.
A total of 179 plans are offered through the marketplace for 2021. Get Covered Illinois Executive Director Laura Pellikan says the website gives consumers a checklist of what to look for in a health plan, explains different options and can connect consumers to a trained counselor to assist in enrollment in a plan that will fit both their needs and budget.
Pellikan says the trained counselors can also help direct consumers to Medicaid to determine their eligibility.
According to the announcement, IDOI officials say that continuing last year’s downward trends, most Illinoisans will again see a decrease in premiums this year and rating areas remain the same.
For the 2021 Analysis of the Illinois Exchange Plan, visit:
For more information on Open Enrollment for the ACA Health Insurance Marketplace, visit: