One of the state’s top Republicans is trying to reel in some of his party’s candidates. Illinois GOP Chairman Don Tracy has a message for Illinois Republicans, especially in the primary race for Governor and that is to knock it off.
In an open letter, Tracy says he needs to remind Republican candidates that the negative campaigning, especially in the gubernatorial race, needs to stop.
Tracy says “we need to hear our candidates talk more about their respective virtues and less about the alleged faults of their primary opponents.” The race for the Republican nomination for Governor has been particularly muddy with candidates Richard Irvin and Darren Bailey especially trading salvos of mud at each other.
Tracy says in the memo that many candidates are not listening, or are totally disregarding the 11th commandment, referring to the phrase used by Ronald Reagan during his run for Governor of California in 1966 when he said “Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.”