IL Grand Lodge of Freemasons Moving to West Edge of Springfield

By Benjamin Cox on June 11, 2024 at 2:32pm

The Grand Lodge of Illinois Freemasons are moving their headquarters to the west edge of Springfield.

The Springfield Business Journal reports that the Grand Lodge will move its operations to 3731 West Wabash Avenue. The Grand Lodge’s current location at 2866 South Via Verde Street in Springfield had been outgrown for a number years.

The new location, which is the former home of law firm Heyl, Royster, Voelker, & Allen P.C. Is double the space.

The Freemasons operate three statewide charities and this will allow for expanded space for those charities for the more than a dozen staff members currently on payroll.

The move should take place by mid-July. The Via Verde property will then be put up for sale. Grand Master David Lynch told the Business Journal that the new location will also give the organization a more visible presence in the community, while still maintaining its central location in the state.