Illinois’ rental payment program has paid out $70 million to landlords in just the first month.
The Illinois Housing Development Authority received more than 70,000 applications totaling $664 million worth from landlords, requesting assistance on behalf of their tenants. $70 million has already gone out, and another $17 million has been approved for payment. Hundreds of millions more in assistance is expected in the coming weeks.
IDHA spokesperson Rodrigo Carrillo says its obvious the need is there: “One of the great things about this program is that it is really designed to prevent the eviction of thousands of tenants facing the possibility of eviction due to non-rent payment, and it also could prevent thousands of landlords going into foreclosure on rental properties. We do take pride in that we had a successful turnout, but it just really shows you that the need is still out there, and we are here to address that with these funds.”
The program allowing landlords to apply has ended. Tenants may start submitting requests on Monday via On Thursday, the Centers for Disease Control extended the national eviction moratorium until the end of July. The Biden Administration says it’s the final month of the moratorium. They are now encouraging state and local courts to adopt anti-eviction diversion programs to help delinquent tenants and landlords stay housed and avoid legal action.