ISP Announces Opt-Out from USPS Letters in Favor of Texts and/or Emails for FOID/CCL Notifications

By Benjamin Cox on January 3, 2022 at 12:09pm

The Illinois State Police Firearms Services Bureau announced today the option for customers to receive correspondence regarding their FOID cards and CCLs from the ISP by email and/or text message instead of by letter through the United States Postal Service.

ISP Director Brendan Kelly says this opt-out option from letters will make it easier and quicker for the public to receive notifications regarding their FOID card and/or CCL.

If an individual would prefer to receive correspondence from the ISP FSB by email and/or text message instead of by letter through the USPS, they can sign up online at the ISP FSB portal at

The opt-out option was made possible by new FOID/CCL legislation passed by the General Assembly in May and signed into law by Governor J.B. Pritzker in August.

The public can contact ISP FSB regarding the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act or the Firearm Concealed Carry Act at (217) 782-7980 or by email at