The freeze and thaw of Illinois’ weather has brought about potholes on city streets and city-managed side roads.
City of Jacksonville street crews have been out today in various parts of the city filling potholes with asphalt.
Jacksonville Mayor Andy Ezard says the crews will do the best they can in the nicer weather to make the streets better for easier driving: “I’d encourage the motorists just to kind of take their time. They’re doing the best they can but [potholes] are popping up all over the place, especially on the roads with concrete. I’ve picked up several big pieces myself off of Lafayette Avenue heading up to work and back and forth and I know other motorists have been dodging them. The guys are already out and about so just be patient with them.”
Ezard says if you see a pothole report it to the city. He says some people may not be aware that it’s there.
Ezard says there’s another way to help: “If you’d like to pick it up and at least push it over to the curb, our crews are looking for those. I wouldn’t assume anything. [Potholes] are tough to see because you’re getting right on them, however, if we’re all helping out together, we can do something. If something happens, if a car does run over one or a big pothole with a piece of concrete or rebar sticking up, please feel free to call the Street Department and get that on record or the clerk’s office as far as getting the process going if its something the city has done.”
Report a pothole by calling the Jacksonville Street Department at 217-479-4653.